Korean home style meals can vary. But the there is a rule: a bowl of rice, soup, Kimchi and side dishes.

Avocado was 4,000 KRW. One is roughly $2. Dang!

I bought these ones at E-mart.

Home made Kimchi. This is soooooo nice.

I was so hungry so this was my desert. To me, Korean guy, this is a desert. Hahaha!
looks delicious…is honey good on avocado? I’m not used to seeing avocados being sweetened.
It is another way of eating. Some people might say eew. I would spread it on bread and jelly on another bread. You combine the two pieces; avo and jelly. I loved it. My kiwi friend said, eww. Avocado with cereal or honey is a very good combination. Try. You won’t hurt. 😉